Advisory Committee Member
Dallas County District Attorney
Dallas, TX
John Creuzot is the District Attorney of Dallas County, Texas and a nationally-recognized leader with more than 30 years of experience in criminal law and criminal justice reform. Creuzot is well-known for his innovative, pioneering work on drug courts and evidence-based sentencing. He established the first specialty court for individuals charged with a drug offense in Dallas County, diverting them into intensive, court-monitored rehabilitation, and the county’s first re-entry court, which provides monitoring and continued rehabilitative services after in-custody treatment.
Creuzot has lectured and taught courses at the National Drug Court Institute, the National Judicial College, the National Center for State Courts, the Texas Center for the Judiciary, the Texas Bar Association, and the National Association of Drug Court Professionals. He has also provided technical assistance to drug court teams across the country, and regularly appears in the news and on television as an expert on these and other criminal justice reform topics.
Before he was elected as District Attorney, Creuzot was an award-winning prosecutor, criminal defense attorney, and Texas Criminal Court Judge, presiding for over twenty years. In honor of his legacy, Dallas County named its drug treatment facility the Judge John C. Creuzot Judicial Treatment Center.