Destiny received her MPAff from the LBJ School in 2022 and her Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy with a minor in Science, Technology & Society from the University of California at San Diego in 2020. Outside of PJIL, She worked as a researcher for the Good Systems UT Grand Challenge on a project leveraging AI to improve the lives of people experiencing homelessness, and investigated the use AI-enabled surveillance in Texas as a Brumley Fellow under the Strauss Center’s Artificial Intelligence Studies program.
At PJIL, Destiny primarily worked with data collection and analysis, as well as website design and development. She is a co-author on PJIL publications "COVID and Corrections: A Profile of COVID Deaths in Custody in Texas" and "Dead Man Waiting: A brief profile of deaths in Texas prisons among people approved for parole release." Destiny is currently a JD Candidate at the University of Washington School of Law.